Distance Based Zombie Horde Alert, Filtered By Line Of Sight

So initially I didn't care about zombies getting alerted by sound or anything really, this was just a tutorial, but as I started expanding the game and the interactions I noticed I wanted everything to be even more interconnected - so I added a mechanic to alert the horde to our presence

Now as long as the level was simple this worked fine and it looked ok, so I just left it at that, but now that my intro level has taken shape and I have placed more zombies the fact that zombies were alerted on the other side of walls just looked wrong, so I decide to fix this

The first step towards that is a simple LineOfSight check, first I find the zombies within a certain radious, then I filter those based on if they can see the player, now at the moment it works when you hit a zombie, but the next step is just hooking it up to shooting, so that shooting alerts nearby zombies that can spot you

Here is a demo - red lines means they can see you, white they can't:

Follow the game here on itch.io for more insights like these, how else are you going to be alerted? You have to be able to see the posts, right?

Get Go for the Head - Working Title

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